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CommuniGate Pro Domains can contain Group objects. A Group contains a set of group members. Group members are other objects in the same Domain and/or external E-mail addresses. Each Group has its own Settings.

Messages sent to a group object are processed with the LIST module, which copies them without any modification of any header field, and resubmits them specifying group members in the envelope recipient list.

Administrators can create Group objects to simplify mailing to logical groups of users ("marketing", "sales", etc.). A message can be addresses to a simple groupname@domain.dom address, and the server will distribute it to all groupname Group members.

Live Communication (IM, audio, video, etc.) requests sent to a group object are "forked" to all group members.

Creating a New Group

Groups in any domain can be created by the Server Administrator if the administrator account has the Can Modify All Accounts And Domain Settings access right.

A Domain Administrator can create, remove, and rename groups only if the CanCreateGroups access right is granted to the administrator account.

To create a new group, type a new group name into the field on the right side of the Create Group button.

Click the Create Group button. When a new group is created, its name appears in the list. The Server automatically displays the Settings page for the new group.

Specifying Group Settings

To specify Group Settings, click the group name in the Accounts list. The Group Settings page appears.

Real Name:
Report Delivery to Group Set Reply-To to Group
Expand Member Groups Reject Automatic Messages
Remove Author from Distribution Remove To and Cc from Distribution
Disable E-mail Disable Live Communications

This is the list of all group members. If the member name does not contain a domain part, it specifies an object in the same domain: a domain account or some other group. The last empty element of the table allows the administrator to add a new member to the group. To delete a member from the group, delete the member name and click the Update button.
You can enter several addresses in one field, separating them with the comma sign. After you click the Update button, each address will be displayed in a separate field.

A brief description of the group. This string is used to compose the comment for this group E-mail address.

Report Delivery to Group
If this option is selected, then a delivery report (if requested) is generated as soon as a message is copied and re-submitted for delivery to all group members. If subsequent delivery to any group member fails, error reports are not generated.
If this option is not selected, delivery to this group is processed as "relaying", and the delivery notification options are copied to addresses of all group members.
If delivery to any group member fails, the sender gets an error message.
If a message was sent with delivery notification requested, the sender will get notification delivery from all group members.

Set Reply-To to Group
If this option is selected, the Reply-to: header pointing to the group address is added to the message copy before it is sent to group members. This ensures that replies to a message sent to this group will go back to the group, not to the message author.

Expand Member Groups
If this option is selected, the group members are checked before a message is copied and sent to member addresses. If a group member is a group in the same domain, then that group members are extracted and inserted into the address list. If that group also has this option enabled, the extracted members are checked, too. This option allows to process group delivery more efficiently (only one message copy is created for all recipients) and it also helps to avoid duplicates and mail loops.
If the group contains 2 other groups (sub-groups) as members and those sub-groups contain the same address, then only one copy of the message is delivered to that address if the Expand option is enabled. If this option is disabled, the copy of the original message will be delivered to both sub-groups, and each sub-group will send its copy of the original message to that address.

Reject Automatic Messages
If this option is selected, automatic messages (i.e. not "Human-Generated" messages) cannot be sent to this group.

Remove Author from Distribution
If this option is selected, the message From:address is removed from the (optionally expanded) members list.

Remove To and Cc from Distribution
If this option is selected, all addresses from the message To and Cc fields are removed from the (optionally expanded) members list.

Disable E-mail
If this option is selected, messages to this Group are rejected.

Disable Live Communications
If this option is selected, messages to this Group are rejected.

Group Members Processing

If a Group Member is a name of an Account, or some other Group in the same Domain, then the Group Member list is automatically updated if that Account or Group is renamed or removed.

Renaming Groups

If you want to rename a Group, open its Settings page with a Web browser, and enter a new Group name into the New Group Name field. Click the Rename Group button.

If there is no other object with the same name as the specified new Group name, the Group is renamed and its Group Settings page should reappear on the screen under the new name.

New Group Name:

Removing Groups

If you want to remove a Group, open its Settings page with a Web browser, and click the Remove Group button.

CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2005, Stalker Software, Inc.